Mission Statement
The mission of the school is to prepare children for the future by building confidence and a strong sense of self-worth through small classrooms and an open, safe, family-like environment. STA supports families by embracing change when necessary for the good of the children and serving as a bridge to the community. Staff at STA is dedicated to and held accountable for providing a learning experience that is culturally relevant, challenging and fun.
Vision Statement
Sojourner Truth Academy (STA) is passionate about helping children achieve academic and social success in a community of high expectations where each child is valued.
Who we are
Sojourner Truth Academy is a Pre-K-8 public charter elementary school in North Minneapolis with proven academic and fiscal records. Established by parents and community members in 1999, we continue to offer our students a data driven, balanced curriculum with a highly qualified staff that is supported by our 5-Year Strategic Plan.
Monthly parent events, an on-site, full-time social worker, MLL program, and Special Education program give us the opportunity to build real relationships and supply students and families with the support they need, when they need it.
Pre-K & Free All Day Kindergarten
All-day Pre-K and free all-day Kindergarten helps prepare students more thoroughly for the expectations of the upper grades.
Professional Development
STA's 5-Year Strategic Plan drive the academic program with fidelity.
Our school improvement plan focuses on academic growth. The staff at STA is dedicated to increasing the number of proficient students. Our School Improvement System provides a structure for our teachers where they receive weekly, job-embedded professional development. Each week, teachers attend a 75-minute student strategy focused cluster meeting. During these meetings teachers learn research-based student strategies and develop lessons to implement the strategies in their classrooms to help improve student achievement. Teachers receive support and feedback through academic coaching teachers.
School Report Card
Fast Bridge and MCA II Assessments
Each year STA students participate in Fast Bridge Assessments (KG-8 grades) and MCA II assessments (3-8 grades). These assessments are aligned to the Minnesota State Standards. Sojourner Truth Academy students continue to make progress each year in the areas of Reading and Math. Staff is dedicated to learning and implementing subject specific strategies in each area to help increase student proficiency.

Contact: Larry McKenzie, Charter School Authorizer Liaison
Pillsbury United Communities
1701 Oak Park Ave N.
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Fax Number: 612-302-3490
Direct Line 612-302-3409
STA Strategic Plan vF
STA Strategic Plan vF (English) STA Strategic Plan vF (Spanish)